The Library at Elsinore is the title of an installation work by Tom Phillips which will be the centrepiece of an exhibition at Shandy Hall opening on 21st September 2008. Also included in the exhibition will be treated skulls, works on the theme of books and texts and six new pages from Tom Phillips’s treated book A Humument. To learn more about these works go to the Online Resources links on the right. On this page you will be able to watch the making of new version of Page 62 from A Humument from start to finish. You can also see interpretations of Page 62 by Year 12 and 13 students from four different schools and these will also feature in the exhibition. Access earlier postings from the list on the right. You can also sign up for regular updates of new postings by subscribing to the RSS feed at the foot of the page.

Thursday 28 August 2008

Page 62 part 8

The final section of black paint is added to the bottom right of the page. The pattern seems to have gathered momentum as it moves across into the clearer side of the page.

Page 62 part 7

The top panel is painted yellow and then drawn over in green ink. This type of pattern, which looks a little like map contours or an enlarged fingerprint, is a motif that appears in other humument pages. It masks the text so that the isolated words in bubbles are much clearer to read but it is still tranparent and quite possible for the viewer to make out all the words that have now receded into the background.
More colour is applied to the bottom section of the page. First a multi-coloured wash through which the words are clearly visible, and then, starting on the left hand side Phillips begins to add an opaque black. The black covers up almost all of the text with a complex and intricate pattern revealing the various colours showing through the tiny intervals between letters, lines and words.

Friday 1 August 2008

Page 62 part 6

With another section of colour the composition begins to develop. If you return to part 1 it is interesting to compare this page and its text to the original untreated page. Click on the image to enlarge.

Page 62 part 5

Colour is introduced.